Teacher's Pet - Dog Training Clicker with Wrist Strap - Puppy Behavioral Education Training Clicker for Positive Reinforcement

Price $39.95
Availability : In stock
Manufacturer :
Teacher's Pet
Price: $39.95
By Teacher's Pet
Manufacturer :
Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet Dog Training Clicker with Wrist Strap - Puppy Behavioral Education Training Clicker for Positive Reinforcement - Durable, Lightweight, Easy to Use, Effective.

Clicker training is a common form of positive reinforcement. The click is much faster and more distinct than saying "good dog" and much more effective than training with treats alone. To teach a dog the meaning of the click, a treat is given immediately after clicking. Once the dog learns the positive effects of the clicking sound, the clicker itself acts as a conditioned reinforcer.

EASY AS 1-2-3-4.

  1. Tie Clicker Training to Rewards.
  2. Start in a Calm Setting and Introduce the Clicker.
  3. Click for Basic Commands.
  4. Move on to Advanced Training With the Clicker.
Manufacturer :
Teacher's Pet
For any warranty claims please contact the manufacturer directly.
Manufacturer :
Teacher's Pet
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